Don Owens
4 min read
One Great Teacher - Craig Hofmann
The day after Labor Day I walked downstairs at Glen Crest Middle School in Glen Ellyn, Illinois and into the 6th grade Social Studies...

Don Owens
16 min read
Never Let Go - Freeing Discipleship from Formulas
“You want to be a missionary? Got that missionary zeal? Let a stranger change your life How does it make you feel?” Paul Simon...

Don Owens
4 min read
Celebrating 25 Years of Friendship - May 1, 2019
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” - C.S. Lewis ,“Four...

Don Owens
2 min read
Why We Weep as Notre Dame Burns
Maybe you watched with tears as the symbol of a faith and a nation burned today. The 800 year old Notre Dame Cathedral is visited by...

Don Owens
4 min read
A Catholic Guide in A Mad World
One would be tempted to shove one’s head in the sand due to the overwhelming amount of negative information received on a daily basis. ...

Don Owens
5 min read
My Life with Hemingway’s Ghost
It was by chance I found myself again sitting with the ghost of Ernest Hemingway last week. After a beautiful day packrafting The...

Don Owens
2 min read
The Most Important Task
In our organization, each person in a leadership role has one main task; the task is to replicate. This is no easy call to action. “Tell...

Don Owens
5 min read
A Grief Observed One Year Later - Feb 5, 2019
"The tragedy of modern man is not that he knows less and less about the meaning of his own life, but that it bothers him less and less."...