Don Owens
2 min read
The Women of Alinsco Insurance
I have the good fortune to serve, follow and learn from the women of Alinsco Insurance. These ladies have contributed to the creation,...

Don Owens
3 min read
Defining the Good
The modern employee is less concerned with the accomplishment of an objective“good” and more concerned with self-fulfillment in the short...

Don Owens
1 min read
Lycidas by John Milton
Edward King died at sea in 1637 when the ship he was aboard hit a rock off the coast of Wales. His peer at Cambridge, John Milton and...

Don Owens
2 min read
Guiding Your Staff into Goal Setting
In October our organization begins the process of reflection and setting direction for the coming year. This should be far from a...

Don Owens
2 min read
Hiking the Appalachian Trail
I was born three hours from the southern terminus of the Appalachian Trail (AT). As a child, my father had us frequently in the Blue...

Don Owens
3 min read
The Foreign Becoming Familiar
Eleven thousand people were killed and twenty thousand injured on December 23, 1972 when a 6.3 magnitude earthquake shook Managua,...

Don Owens
4 min read
Best National Parks and When to Go
I love that our country cares about conserving land for the simple pleasure of taking in the view. C.S. Lewis said it best when he...

Don Owens
3 min read
The Lost Tools of Learning
Why would we make Facebook responsible for managing news sources, censoring posts, or for that matter defining reality? Is it not an...